well, sort of. We move from NYC in 11 days now. All that we're taking with us has to fit in our mini-van. Why does that mean so much sifting through things? I mean, we've only been here for 10 months...how could we have accumulated that much more stuff than what we drove up here with. I blame it on the kids...or more correctly on the people who give kids things. We've been given books and toys and clothes and bikes and more books. And though I've warned the kids that we will not be able to take everything back to Texas with us, I'm not sure they are getting it. Often throughout the day one will come up to me holding a stuffed animal tightly to their little chest, and say, "I'm gonna bring this one to Texas, Momma." Though we came up with only 4 stuffed animals, I can just imagine every little crevice of our car stuffed with "just one more" until we have a zoo on wheels.
Oh, and a library on wheels, too. Books, books, books, everywhere.
Oh, and a library on wheels, too. Books, books, books, everywhere.