This is the point...

that one might start getting tired of their wardrobe. Yep, I think that one of the joys that comes along with that of seeing your new baby is just being able to wear your normal clothes again (or if you're like me and don't have just a ton of maternity clothes so that you wear whatever of your normal clothes will fit around you without falling down or sliding up too much, then you'd be glad that those clothes fit like you remember).

Ok, so that might sound like complaining, but I'm really trying not to...let's just say that I was making an observation.

Another observation...the baby didn't come on the full moon (Monday) like she could have. In Honduras, one custom of the women who are in their ninth month of pregnancy is to go outside on the night of a full moon in red underwear in order to go into labor. My friend Marcela will have to attest to this or tell us the full story...I don't think she did this...maybe it is a custom for the indigenous people. Anyway, Marcela, you can comment on this if you'd like. The connection between the full moon and having babies has to do with the full moon's gravitational pull causing the amniotic sac to rupture. With both my boys, my water didn't break until during pushing, so I have no clue what it feels like to have your water break first and then go into labor.

Waiting to go into what can you compare it? :)


Anonymous said…
Michelle- I remember in the weeks before Andrew came, I cycled between 2 shirts that fit me and I think one pair of very beat up pants. :) The underwear custom reminds me of the time I was pregnant and many members of my family tried to get me to wear a safety pin on the full moon night for some reason or another. Can't wait to hear about the baby. Prayers for you!
Em said…
I totally know the feeling! I'm sure you can hang out till the 11th, though. Even so.
Jennifer Perone said…
sooo...what's the deal with the baby?? I'm praying...and I can't wait to meet her...I'm sure you're eager as well!! I MISS YOU MICHELLE!!
p.s. 3 of my friends family members had babies on the was very weird!
Lillian said…
I'm just wondering, are you going to blog and let us know when you're on the way to the hospital?? We could be praying for you while you're there. Just a quick little note. I've been checking back here OFTEN!! LOL!
Unknown said…
Hey Michelle! You're about to have another baby!!!!!! That is awesome....

Oh and if you go ahead and try the weird full moon Honduran thing I dont need to know about it j/k!

Tell Daniel I say hello!

God bless you both. (I love little babies)
Anonymous said…
Michelle, when I saw you in July I forgot to tell you how much I loved your blog.

I may need to call the Hinckleys tonight since no blogging for a few days!