We just finished for the first time in the 4 Good Fridays that we've been here in Honduras the whole Via Crusis. We did the one in our neighborhood (as opposed to the one in the center of town with the bishop) which started at 8am in front of the church and walked all through the dirt streets for what Daniel thinks was about 3 miles. The first year we didn't make any since Juan Pablo was only 3 weeks old. The second year we walked and prayed 3 stations with the bishop in town. Last year we made 7 stations here in the barrio, and this year the whole thing!!! We're very happy and know that it was God's grace that allowed us to finish (and receive the "Plenary indulgence granted to the faithful, who make the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross.") Juan Pablo even walked all but about 3 stations!
"Perdona tu pueblo, Senor. Perdona tu pueblo, perdonanos, Senor."
Forgive your people, Lord. Forgive your people, forgive us, Lord.