Around the Barrio (Neighborhood)

On Friday, we walked through the neighborhood with Alyson, one of the Missioners of Christ. She regularly visits the neighbors to talk, sing, and pray with them. We have all dirt roads which means mud during the rainy season. If you click on the photo to see the larger image, you can see a young girl carrying a large plastic bowl on her head which is a fairly common sight. Either the bowl is full of corn that has just been or needs to be ground in order to make tortillas, or it contains some sort of food item that her mother has made and she is going around selling.
This mechanic shop for 18-wheelers is right across the street from us. It can get pretty loud and sometimes 18-wheelers block the street momentarily.
Donkeys, donkeys everywhere. Some days the noise level rises because a donkey decides to bray all day long.
Alyson and Juan Pablo stand in front of a bajareque house. Bajareque is a type of building using long slats of wood with rocks in between stuck together with mud. This is the most inexpensive and simple type of house. Most houses no matter what kind are only painted and/or finished (plastered) on the front to save money.
